[/Script/UnrealTournament.UTLobbyGameMode] LobbyPassword = "" AutoLaunchGameMode = "" AutoLaunchGameOptions = "" AutoLaunchMap = "" MaxPlayersInLobby = 75 StartingInstancePort = 8001 InstancePortStep = 1 MaxInstances = 6 [/Script/UnrealTournament.UTBaseGameMode] ServerInstanceID = 01648766060A091700250157183F1418 [/Script/UnrealTournament.UTGameMode] MapVoteTime = 60 bRecordReplays = true bHandleDedicatedServerReplays = true [/Script/UnrealTournament.UTGameState] ServerName = Warehouse Party (Dallas) ServerMOTD = Elimination, Instagib, BunnyTrack, and Duel\nBig THANK YOU to all the UT4 content creators!!\nProWeapons, UT+, Instagib mods, and more!\n\nHosted in Dallas, Texas (Provider=Linode.com)\nAdmin: zavage.ut4@gmail.com\n\nConsole Commands:\nmutate hitsounds\nmutate teamskins\nmutate weaponskins\n\nDIY simple, self-hosted UT4 Server @ zavage.net/ut4 ServerDescription = Silky-smooth Unreal Tournament