#!/usr/bin/env python # setup.py is the install script for this application. This will download # required third-party dependencies and package the app. You can also # install the application system-wide. from setuptools import setup, find_packages __project__ = 'wikicrawl' # If you're looking for a versioning scheme, one revered pattern # can be read about at http://semver.org __version__ = '0.9.0' setup( name = __project__, version = __version__, description = '', author = '', author_email = '', url = '', install_requires = ( 'yandex.translate', 'selenium', 'colorlog', 'baker', ## Additional dependencies required from app_skellington: 'appdirs', 'configobj', 'colorlog', 'pprint' ), packages = find_packages( where='.', include=('*',), exclude=() ), package_dir = { 'app_skellington': 'lib' }, scripts = ( 'road2philosophy.py', ) )