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Mathew Guest 2020-03-01 21:08:11 -07:00
commit 485dafdfc4
15 changed files with 1442 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

64 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Application framework for Python, features include:
* Pain-free multi-level command menu: Expose public class methods as commands available to user.
* Simple to define services and automatic dependency injection based on name (with custom invocation as an option). *WIP
* INI-style config and and validation (provided through ConfigObj).
* Colored logging (provided through colorlog)
* Works on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
* Lend to creating beautiful, easy to read and understand code in the application.
* Minimize coupling of applications to this framework.
* Compatable with Linux, Windows, and Mac. Try to be compatible as possible otherwise.
* Try to be compatible with alternate Python runtimes such as PyPy and older python environments. *WIP
Application Configuration
Site configurations are supported through configobj. There is a config.spec
in the src directory which is a validation file; it contains the accepted
parameter names, types, and limits for configurable options in the
application which is built on app_skellington. The format is multi-level .ini syntax.
See the configobj documentation for more information.
Site configuration files (config.ini) are created if they don't exit. The
file always contains the full specification of parameters; i.e. even default
parameters are added into the config file.
Application configuration can be overridden ad-hoc through the --config <filename>
Debug - Turn on Logging
Set 'APPSKELLINGTON_ENABLE_LOGGING' environment variable to any value which turns
on AppSkellington-level logging. For example,
Tests are a WIP. Recommendation is to run 'pytest' in the 'tests' directory.
See official website:
Please report bugs, improvements, or feedback! <contact>

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import logging
import sys
APP_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'config.ini' # Relative to user directory on machine
APP_CONFIGSPEC_FILENAME = 'config.spec' # Relative to module source directory
from .app_container import *
from .cfg import *
from .cli import *
from .log import *

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import logging
import os
import sys
# Check and gracefully fail if the user needs to install a 3rd-party dep.
libnames = ['appdirs', 'configobj', 'colorlog']
def check_env_has_dependencies(libnames):
rc = True
for libname in libnames:
except ModuleNotFoundError as ex:
print('missing third-part library: ', ex, file=sys.stderr)
rc = False
return rc
if not check_env_has_dependencies(libnames):
print('refusing to load program without installed dependencies', file=sys.stderr)
raise ImportError('python environment needs third-party dependencies installed')
# Logger for before the application and logging config is loaded
# - used to log before logging is configured
_log_fmt = '%(levelname)-7s:%(message)s'
_logger_name = 'app_skellington'
_bootstrap_logger = logging.getLogger(_logger_name)
# Logging is manually switched on via environment variable:
if os.environ.get('APP_SKELLINGTON_DEBUG', None):
_bootstrap_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Don't filter any log levels
fmt = logging.Formatter(_log_fmt)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
_bootstrap_logger.debug('debug log enabled: APP_SKELLINGTON_DEBUG set in environment variables')
# Logging is by default off, excepting CRITICAL
_bootstrap_logger.propagate = False
# NOTE(MG) Pretty sure the logger has the default handler too at this point.
# It's been related to some issues with the logger double-printing messages.

app_skellington/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
import os
import sys
from . import _util
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
Print to STDERR stream.
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def filename_to_abspath(filename):
Converts a filename to it's absolute path. If it's already an
absolute path, do nothing.
return os.path.abspath(filename)
def does_file_exist(filepath):
Because the file can be deleted or created immediately after execution of
this function, there cannot be guarantees made around the existence of
said file (race condition). This merely says if the file existed at this
instant in execution.
fp = open(filepath, 'r')
return True
except FileNotFoundError as ex:
return False
def ensure_dir_exists(dirpath):
if dirpath is None:
if dirpath == '':
os.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)
def get_root_asset(filepath):
Attempts to locate a resource or asset shipped with the application.
Searches starting at the root module (__main__) which should be the
python file initially invoked.
module_root =\
path = os.path.join(module_root, filepath)
return path
def get_asset(module, filepath):
Attempts to locate a resource or asset shipped with the application.
Input filename is relative to the caller code, i.e. this starts
searching relative to the file that called this function.
Returns the full absolute path of the located file if found or None
module: Pass in the module (or __name__) to search relative to module
filepath: the relative filepath of the file to look for in the
package directory.
if isinstance(module, str):
module_file = sys.modules[module].__file__
elif isinstance(module, module):
module_file = module.__file__
raise Exception('Invalid Usage')
root = module_file
if os.path.islink(root):
root = os.path.realpath(root)
root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(root))
except Exception as ex:
path = os.path.join(root, filepath)
return path
def register_class_as_commands(app, submenu, cls_object):
Registers commands for each class method. e.g.: pass in the CLI
object, the target submenu, and the class to be registered, and
this will create a command-line menu item for each method in
the class.
IMPORTANT: Currently, you need to pass in only a class and not
an object/instance of a class.
cls_constructor = cls_object
members = inspect.getmembers(cls_object)
for m in members:
name = m[0]
ref = m[1]
if inspect.isfunction(ref) and not name.startswith('_'):
cls_method = ref
constructor = app._inject_service_dependencies(cls_constructor)
sig = inspect.signature(cls_method)
func = create_func(constructor, cls_method)
# docstring = cls_method.__doc__
docstring = inspect.getdoc(cls_method)
submenu.register_command(func, name, sig, docstring)
def create_func(constructor, cls_method):
def func(*args, **kwargs):
obj = constructor()
return cls_method(obj, *args, **kwargs)
return func

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
import appdirs
import collections
import functools
import inspect
import os
import sys
# Application scaffolding:
from ._bootstrap import _bootstrap_logger
from . import log
from . import _util
from . import cli
from . import cfg
DEFAULT_APP_NAME = 'python-app'
# OPTIONAL: classes can sub-class from this?
class Components:
def inject_dependencies_based_on_names_in_args(self):
def inject_dependency(self, name):
def register_dependency(self, service, name):
class ApplicationContext:
Container for application-wide state; i.e. app configuration and loggers.
def __init__(self, config, log):
self.config = config
self.log = log
self.parsed_argv = None
self.parsed_argv_unknown = None
class ApplicationContainer:
Generalized application functionality. Used for linking components and modules of the application
together. Invokes runtime configuration reading from file, maintains the
object instances for services, passes off to the cli to determine what to
do, and then injects any necessary dependencies (e.g. database module)
and kicks off the functionality requested in the cli.
def __init__(
*args, **kwargs
# Instantiate root application context (container for globals)
if configspec_filepath is None:
configspec_filepath = self._get_configspec_filepath()
self.appname = kwargs.get('appname') or DEFAULT_APP_NAME
self.appauthor = kwargs.get('appauthor') or DEFAULT_APP_AUTHOR
self._dependencies = {}
config = cfg.Config(configspec_filepath)
logger = log.LoggingLayer(self.appname, self.appauthor)
# added here, is this okay to do twice?
self.ctx = ApplicationContext(config, logger)
self['ctx'] = lambda: self.ctx
self.cli = cli.CommandTree() # Command-line interface
if callable(getattr(self, '_cli_options', None)):
if callable(getattr(self, '_services', None)):
if callable(getattr(self, '_command_menu', None)):
def __delitem__(self, service_name):
Deletes a service or dependency from the available dependencies.
del self._dependencies[service_name]
except KeyError as ex:
def __getitem__(self, service_name):
Returns a factory of a service or dependency. The factory is a function
that is called to return an instance of the service object.
app_container['netezza'] => returns the netezza service instance
service_factory = self._dependencies[service_name] # Retrieve factory function
return service_factory() # Call factory() to return instance of service
except KeyError as ex:
msg = 'failed to inject service: {}'.format(service_name)
raise ServiceNotFound
def __setitem__(self, service_name, value):
Register a service or dependency factory to return a service.
The factory function is called to return an instance of a service object.
self._dependencies[service_name] = value
def _construct_model(self, model_constructor, *args):
Performs dependency resolution and instantiates an object of given type.
This takes in the reference to a class constructor and a list of names
of the dependencies that need passed into it, constructs that object and
returns it. Models contain business logic and application functionality.
model_constructor: reference to object constructor.
dependency_names = args
dep_references = []
for dep_name in dependency_names:
return model_constructor(*dep_references)
def _get_config_filepath(self, app_name, app_author, config_filename='config.ini'):
Attempt to find config.ini in the user's config directory.
On Linux, this will be /home/<user>/.config/<app>/config.ini
On Windows, this will be C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Local\\<app>\\config.ini
dirname = appdirs.user_config_dir(app_name, app_author)
filepath = os.path.join(dirname, config_filename)'default config filepath calculated to be: %s', filepath)
return filepath
def _get_configspec_filepath(self, configspec_filename='config.spec'):
Attempt to find config.spec inside the installed package directory.
return _util.get_root_asset(configspec_filename)
def _inject_service_dependencies(self, constructor):
Returns a function that, when called, constructs a new object for
business/application logic with the listed dependencies.
constructor: service class to be created object.
sig = inspect.signature(constructor.__init__)
params = sig.parameters
params = [params[paramname].name for paramname in params] # Convert Param() type => str
cls_dependencies = params[1:] # Skip 'self' parameter on class methods.
return functools.partial(self._construct_model, constructor, *cls_dependencies)
def load_command(self):
args, unk, success = self.cli.parse()
if not success:
return False
self.ctx.parsed_argv = args
self.ctx.parsed_argv_unknown = unk
return True
def invoke_command(self):
rc = self.load_command()
if not rc:
return False
except NoCommandSpecified as ex:
print('Failure: No command specified.')
def interactive_shell(self):
def invoke_from_cli(self):
def usage(self):
# Applications need a default usage
class ServiceNotFound(Exception):
Application framework error: unable to find and inject dependency.
class NoCommandSpecified(Exception):

app_skellington/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
from . import _util
from ._bootstrap import _bootstrap_logger
import appdirs
import argparse
import configobj
import os
import sys
import validate
class Config:
Structure to store application runtime configuration. Also contains
functionality to load configuration from local site file.
'allow_options_beyond_spec': True,
def __init__(self, configspec_filepath=None, capabilities=None):
self.config_obj = None # Reference to configobj.ConfigObj()
self._config_filepaths = []
self._configspec_filepath = None
# self.configspec_filepath = configspec_filepath
def __contains__(self, key):
has_item = key in self.config_obj
return has_item
except KeyError as ex:
def __delitem__(self, key):
Deletes the configuration item identified by <key> in the internal
configuration storage.
del self[key]
except KeyError as ex:
def __getitem__(self, key):
Returns the vaLue of the configuration item identified by <key>.
return self.config_obj[key].dict()
except KeyError as ex:
# raise ConfigurationItemNotFoundError()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Assigns the value of the configuration item
identified by <key> as <value>.
self[key] = value
def config_filepath(self, idx=0):
Returns the config filepath (optionally specified by index
when using multiple config files).
assert idx>=0, 'invalid idx argument: index must be greater than 0'
if len(self._config_filepaths) > 0:
return self._config_filepaths[idx]
except ValueError as ex:
def config_filepath(self, value, idx=0):
Assigns <value> as the config filepath (optionally specified by index
when using multiple config files).
assert idx>=0, 'invalid idx argument: index must be greater than 0'
self._config_filepaths[idx] = value
def configspec_filepath(self):
return self._configspec_filepath
def configspec_filepath(self, filepath):
if _util.does_file_exist(filepath):
self._configspec_filepath = filepath
'failed to set config.spec: file not found '
'(%s)', filepath)
def load_config_from_file(self, config_filepath):
Loads configuration settings from file, overwritting all configuration.
# Record all config.ini files passed in
if config_filepath not in self._config_filepaths:
# Check for config.spec
if self.configspec_filepath:'using config.spec: %s', self.configspec_filepath)
else:'config.spec not defined')'using config file: %s', config_filepath)
# Pre-check for config.ini existence
if _util.does_file_exist(config_filepath):'existing config file found')
else:'no config file found: using defaults')
# interpolation='template' changes config file variable replacement to
# use the form $var instead of %(var)s, which is useful to enable
# literal %(text)s values in the config.
configspec_filepath = self.configspec_filepath
if configspec_filepath:
self.config_obj = configobj.ConfigObj(
self.config_obj = configobj.ConfigObj(
# configspec=configspec_filepath,
except configobj.ParseError as ex:
msg = 'failed to load config: error in config.spec configuration: {}'.format(config_filepath)
return False
except OSError as ex:
msg = 'failed to load config: config.spec file not found'
return False
# Hack the configobj module to alter the interpolation for
configobj.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION = 'template'
self.config_obj.filename = config_filepath
if self.configspec_filepath:
# Validate config.ini against config.spec
try:'validating config file against spec')
val = validate.Validator()
test_results = self.config_obj.validate(
val, copy=True, preserve_errors=True
if test_results is True:
'application configuration file passed validation. input = %s, validation spec = %s',
config_filepath, configspec_filepath
_bootstrap_logger.critical('config file failed validation')
for (section_list, key, rslt) in configobj.flatten_errors(self.config_obj, test_results):
_bootstrap_logger.critical('config error info: %s %s %s', section_list, key, rslt)
if key is not None:
_bootstrap_logger.critical('config failed validation: [%s].%s appears invalid. msg = %s', '.'.join(section_list), key, rslt)
_bootstrap_logger.critical("config failed validation: missing section, name = '%s'. msg = %s", '.'.join(section_list), rslt)
return False
except ValueError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error('failed validating configspec')
return False
# Create the config file if it doesn't exist
# if not _util.does_file_exist(config_filepath):
if True:'writing new config file: %s', config_filepath)
dirname = os.path.dirname(config_filepath)
self.config_obj.write()'done loading config file')
return True
def print_config(self):
Print configuration to stdout.
for section in self.config_obj.sections:
for key in self.config_obj[section]:
print(' ', self.config_obj[section][key])
class EnvironmentVariables:
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class ConfigurationItemNotFoundError(Exception):

app_skellington/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
import argparse
import inspect
import logging
import re
import sys
import app_skellington
from ._bootstrap import _bootstrap_logger
from . import app_container
# If explicit fail is enabled, any command with at least one unknown
# argument will be rejected entirely. If not enabled, unknown arguments
# will be ignored.
class CommandTree:
Command-line interface to hold a menu of commands. You can register
commands (functions or methods) in a CommandTree which will generate
a corresponding argparse.ArgumentParser (and nested SubParsers) that
map function/method arguments into argparse Parameters. Then, you
can translate command-line arguments into invoking the function.
Commands must be registered before being invoked. You create nested
SubMenu(s). If function parameters have defaults, those will be
available for override else they use the function defaults.
Print helpful information:
./scriptname -h # View tier-0 help and usage doc
./scriptname [submenu] -h # View submenu help and usage doc
./scriptname [submenu] [command] -h # View command documentation and parameters
argparse is finicky about argument placement:
[application arguments]
[submenu] [submenu arguments]
[command] [command arguments]
For example,
./scriptname --option="value" [submenu] [command]
is different than
./scriptname [submenu] [command] --option="value"
in that option is being applied to the application in the first example and
applied to the refresh_datasets command (under the nhsn command group) in
the second. In the same way the -h, --help options print different docs
depending on where the help option was passed.
def __init__(self):
self.root_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
self.submenu_param = None # submenu_param is the variable name
# of the root submenu argument, i.e. the arg
# in root_parser which selects the submenu.
self.entries = {}
# NOTE(MG) Implementation note:
# CommandTree uses only one of these internal structures (i.e. mutually exclusive),
# 'entries' is used when there is a submenu linked to multiple commands.
# '_cmd_tree_is_single_command' and '_single_command' instead are used
# when the CommandTree is linked to one and only one command.
self._cmd_tree_is_single_command = False
self._single_command = None
def print_tree(self):
import pprint
def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
Adds an argument to the root parser.
"""'adding argument to root parser: %s and %s', args, kwargs)
self.root_parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)
def init_submenu(self, param_name, is_required=False):
Creates a root-level submenu with no entries. SubMenu node is
returned which can have submenus and commands attached to it.
# Creates an argument as a slot in the underlying argparse.
subparsers = self.root_parser.add_subparsers(
dest = param_name,
metavar = param_name,
required = is_required
submenu = SubMenu(self, subparsers, param_name)
submenu.submenu_path = ''
submenu.var_name = param_name'Initialized root-level submenu: Parameter = \'%s\'', param_name)
self.entries[param_name] = submenu
self.submenu_param = param_name
return submenu
def register_command(
self, func, cmd_name=None, func_signature=None,
When no submenu functionality is desired, this links a single
command into underlying argparse options.
# begin copy-paste from SubMenu.register_command
if inspect.isfunction(func):
# print('func is function')
elif inspect.ismethod(func):
# print('func is method')
raise Exception('bad value passed in for function')
if not cmd_name:
# safe try/except
cmd_name = func.__name__
if func_signature is None:
func_signature = inspect.signature(func)
if docstring is None:
docstring = func.__doc__
sig = func_signature
params = sig.parameters
# help is displayed next to the command in the submenu enumeration or
# list of commands:
help_text = HelpGenerator.generate_help_from_sig(docstring)
# description is displayed when querying help for the specific command:
description_text = HelpGenerator.generate_description_from_sig(docstring)
# end copy-paste from SubMenu.register_command
# begin copy-paste then editted from SubMenu.register_command
# For each paramter in the function create an argparse argument in
# the child ArgumentParser created for this menu entry:
for key in params:
if key == 'self':
param = params[key]
if '=' in str(param):
if param.default is None:
helptext = 'default provided'
helptext = "default = '{}'".format(param.default)
helptext = 'required'
# # Wrapper function that instantiates an object and runs a method
# # on-demand. The object is created, injected with necessary
# # dependencies or services, and the method is invoked.
# def func(*args, **kwargs):
# obj = constructor()
# return cls_method(obj, *args, **kwargs)
# Build the CommandEntry structure
cmd = CommandEntry()
cmd.argparse_node = self.root_parser
cmd.cmd_name = cmd_name
cmd.func_signature = sig
# cmd.func_ref = None
cmd.callback = func
registered_name = cmd_name'registered command: %s', registered_name)
# end copy-paste then editted from SubMenu.register_command
self._cmd_tree_is_single_command = True
self._single_command = cmd
self._entries = None
# def _validate(self):
# pass
# # TODO(MG):
# # subparser can not be empty, needs to have parsers attached
def parse(self, args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
# on error, prints some argparse error messages:
pargs, unk = self.root_parser.parse_known_args(args)
# if len(unk) > 0:
# _bootstrap_logger.error(
# 'failed to interpret argument(s) or command-line switch from shell: %s',
# unk)
# _bootstrap_logger.warn(
# 'failed to parse arguments: explicitly failing to be safe')
# return False, False
if hasattr(pargs, 'usage'):
# print('found usage in app_skellington')
return pargs, unk, True
# Note: SystemExit is raised when '-h' argument is supplied.
except SystemExit as ex:
return None, None, False
def run_command(self, args=None):
args, unk, success = self.parse(args)
if not success:'SystemExit: Perhaps user invoked --help')
if args is False and unk is False:
_bootstrap_logger.error('failed parsing args')
return False'received args from shell: %s', args)
args = vars(args)
cmd = self._lookup_command(args)
if cmd is None:
print('cmd is None')
_bootstrap_logger.error('failed to find command')
return False
return self._invoke_command(cmd, args)
def _lookup_command(self, args):
keys = list(args.keys())
# In the case there is at-most one command registered in
# the CommandTree with no SubMenu (submenu will be disabled
# in this case):
if self._cmd_tree_is_single_command:
assert self._cmd_tree_is_single_command is True, 'corrupt data structure in CommandMenu'
assert self._entries is None, 'corrupt data structure in CommandMenu'
assert isinstance(self._single_command, CommandEntry), 'corrupt data structure in CommandMenu'
return self._single_command
# There is at least one submenu we need to go down:
assert self._single_command is None, 'corrupt data structure in CommandMenu'
assert self._cmd_tree_is_single_command == False, 'corrupt data structure in CommandMenu'
# Key or variable name used by argparse to store the submenu options
argparse_param = self.submenu_param # e.g.: submenu_root
submenu = self.entries[argparse_param]
while True:
if argparse_param not in keys:
print('root menu parameter not found in args:', argparse_param)
val = args.get(argparse_param)
_bootstrap_logger.debug('argparse command is \'{}\' = {}'.format(argparse_param, val))
lookup = submenu.entries.get(val)
_bootstrap_logger.debug('lookup, entries[{}] = {}'.format(val, lookup))
# print(submenu.entries)
# pop value
del args[argparse_param]
if isinstance(lookup, SubMenu):
submenu = lookup
argparse_param = submenu.var_name
elif isinstance(lookup, CommandEntry):
return lookup
# return self._invoke_command(lookup, args)
raise app_container.NoCommandSpecified('No command specified.')
def _invoke_command(self, cmd, args):
func = cmd.callback
sig = cmd.func_signature
params = sig.parameters
params = [params[paramname] for paramname in params]
func_args = []
for param in params:
if in args:
func_args.append(args[])'function: %s', func)'function args: %s', func_args)
return func(*func_args)
def _get_subparser(self):
return self.root_parser._subparsers._actions[1]
class SubMenu:
def __init__(self, parent, subparsers_obj, name):
self.parent = parent # Reference to root CommandTree
self.subparsers_obj = subparsers_obj = name
self.submenu_path = None
self.entries = {}
def register_command(
self, func, cmd_name=None, func_signature=None,
Registers a command as an entry in this submenu. Provided function is
converted into argparse arguments and made available to the user.
Callback function which will be mapped
to the submenu entry.
cmd_name (optional):
User-facing entry name. By default will be the function name.
The user will be able to use [cmd_name] [arg, ...] to
invoke the callback function.
func_signature: optionally, you can pass in the
inspect.signature(). If None, will inspect the
incoming func. Note on internals: This is used
to pass the function signature of the command
function while having the callback point to a
function partial which executes some other code.
This hook is used to inject dependencies and then
execute the command function.
if inspect.isfunction(func):
# print('func is function')
elif inspect.ismethod(func):
# print('func is method')
raise Exception('bad value passed in for function')
if not cmd_name:
# safe try/except
cmd_name = func.__name__
if func_signature is None:
func_signature = inspect.signature(func)
if docstring is None:
docstring = func.__doc__
sig = func_signature
params = sig.parameters
# help is displayed next to the command in the submenu enumeration or
# list of commands:
help_text = HelpGenerator.generate_help_from_sig(docstring)
# description is displayed when querying help for the specific command:
description_text = HelpGenerator.generate_description_from_sig(docstring)
# Entry in local argparse._SubParsersAction
# type = ArgumentParser
child_node = self.subparsers_obj.add_parser(
cmd_name, # Note: cmd_name here will be the VALUE
# passed into the argparse arg VARIABLE NAME
# created when the SubMenu/argparse.addZ_subparsers()
# was created.
# For each paramter in the function create an argparse argument in
# the child ArgumentParser created for this menu entry:
for key in params:
if key == 'self':
param = params[key]
if '=' in str(param):
if param.default is None:
helptext = 'default provided'
helptext = "default = '{}'".format(param.default)
helptext = 'required'
# # Wrapper function that instantiates an object and runs a method
# # on-demand. The object is created, injected with necessary
# # dependencies or services, and the method is invoked.
# def func(*args, **kwargs):
# obj = constructor()
# return cls_method(obj, *args, **kwargs)
# Build the CommandEntry structure
cmd = CommandEntry()
cmd.argparse_node = child_node
cmd.cmd_name = cmd_name
cmd.func_signature = sig
# cmd.func_ref = None
cmd.callback = func
registered_name = '{}.{}'.format(
cmd_name)'registered command: %s', registered_name)
self.entries[cmd_name] = cmd
def create_submenu(
self, var_name, cmd_entry_name=None, is_required=False
Creates a child-submenu.
A code-facing argparse parameter used to store the
value/entry chosen by the user.
A user-facing name used to select created submenu.
If not provided, the user-facing command name defaults
to the same name as the code-facing argparse parameter
Switches if a value must be selected in the created submenu.
If not, it's an optional positional argument.
if cmd_entry_name is None:
cmd_entry_name = var_name
# Create an entry in self's submenu:
# type = ArgumentParser
entry_node = self.subparsers_obj.add_parser(
help='sub-submenu help',
description='sub-sub description')
# Turn entry into a submenu of it's own:
# type = _SubParsersAction
subp_node = entry_node.add_subparsers(
dest = var_name,
metavar = var_name,
required = is_required)
submenu = SubMenu(
submenu.var_name = var_name
submenu.submenu_path = '{}.{}'.format(self.submenu_path, cmd_entry_name)
submenu_name = submenu.submenu_path'registered submenu: %s', submenu_name)
self.entries[cmd_entry_name] = submenu
return submenu
def __repr__(self):
return 'SubMenu({})<{}>'.format(,
class CommandEntry:
Structure for a command-entry in the CLI.
Stores the command-subcommand names, the function signature which contains
the original parameters of the function-to-be-invoked, a reference to the
original function, and a callback function wrapper which, by convention,
instantiates the necessary objects (injecting dependencies, etc.) and
executes the original function.
The CLI module has functionality to translate the original function
arguments into argparse options (creating the documentation also). Similary,
it can convert from argparse options into a function call.
def __init__(self):
self.argparse_node = None
self.cmd_name = None # Don't think we need. And needs to be changed
# from SubMenu
self.menu_path = None
self.func_signature = None
self.func_ref = None
self.callback = None
def __repr__(self):
return 'CommandEntry<{}>'.format(self.cmd_name)
class HelpGenerator:
def __init__(self):
def generate_help_from_sig(doctext):
The 'help' text is displayed next to the command when enumerating
the submenu commands.
if doctext == None:
return doctext
regex = '(.*?)[.?!]'
match = re.match(regex, doctext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if match:
return + '.'
return doctext
def generate_description_from_sig(doctext):
The 'description' paragraph is provided when the user requests help
on a specific command.
if doctext == None:
return doctext
regex = '(.*?)[.?!]'
match = re.match(regex, doctext, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
if match:
return + '.'
return doctext

app_skellington/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
from ._bootstrap import _bootstrap_logger
from . import _util
import appdirs
import colorlog
import logging
import logging.config
import os
'formatters': {
'colored': {
'class': 'colorlog.ColoredFormatter',
# 'format': '%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s:%(log_color)s%(name)-5s%(reset)s:%(white)s%(message)s'
'format': '%(white)s%(name)7s%(reset)s|%(log_color)s%(message)s',
'handlers': {
'stderr': {
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'level': 'debug',
'formatter': 'colored'
'loggers': {
'root': {
'handlers': ['stderr',],
'level': 'debug'
'app_skellington': {
# 'handlers': ['stderr',],
'level': 'critical',
'propagate': 'false'
class LoggingLayer:
def __init__(self, appname, appauthor, config=None):
self.appname = appname
self.appauthor = appauthor
self.loggers = {}
def __getitem__(self, k):
Returns Logger object named <k>.
log = LoggingLayer(...)
log['db'].info('loaded database module')
k: the name of the logger to retrieve (k, i.e. key)
logger = self.loggers.get(k)
if not logger:
logger = logging.getLogger(k)
self.loggers[k] = logger
return logger
def configure_logging(self, config_dict=None):
Set the logging level for the process. Verbosity is controlled by a
parameter in the config.
Advice: While DEBUG verbosity is useful to debug, it can produce too much
noise for typical operation.
if config_dict is None:
_bootstrap_logger.debug('No application logging configuration provided. Using default')
# TODO(MG) switch to pretty-print, as it'd be more human readable
_bootstrap_logger.debug('Log configuration: %s', config_dict)
_bootstrap_logger.debug('Configured all logging')
except Exception as ex:
print('unable to configure logging:', ex, type(ex))
def transform_config(self, config_dict):
Fix some incompatibilities and differences between the config-file logging
parameters and the final config dictionary passed into the logging module.
# Version should be hard-coded 1, per Python docs
if 'version' in config_dict:
if config_dict['version'] != 1:
_bootstrap_logger.warn("logging['version'] must be '1' per Python docs")
config_dict['version'] = 1
# Replace logger level strings with value integers from module
for handler in config_dict['handlers']:
d = config_dict['handlers'][handler]
self._convert_str_to_loglevel(d, 'level')
# Replace logger level strings with value integers from module
for logger in config_dict['loggers']:
d = config_dict['loggers'][logger]
self._convert_str_to_loglevel(d, 'level')
# Replace 'root' logger with '', logging module convention for root handler
# Note: '' is disallowed in ConfigObj (hence the reason for this replacement)
config_dict['loggers'][''] = config_dict['loggers']['root']
del config_dict['loggers']['root']
# Evaluate the full filepath of the file handler
if 'file' not in config_dict['handlers']:
if os.path.abspath(config_dict['handlers']['file']['filename']) ==\
# Path is already absolute
dirname = appdirs.user_log_dir(self.appname, self.appauthor)
log_filepath = os.path.join(dirname, config_dict['handlers']['file']['filename'])
config_dict['handlers']['file']['filename'] = log_filepath
def _add_own_logconfig(self, config_dict):
if os.environ.get('APP_SKELLINGTON_DEBUG', None):
if 'app_skellington' not in config_dict['loggers']:
config_dict['loggers']['app_skellington'] = {
'level': 'debug', 'propagate': 'false'
config_dict['loggers']['app_skellington']['level'] = 'debug'
def _convert_str_to_loglevel(self, dict_, key):
Convert a dictionary value from a string representation of a log level
into the numeric value of that log level. The value is modified in-place
and is passed in by a dictionary reference and a key name.
For example,
d = {'loggers': {'cas': {'level': 'critical'}}}
convert_str_to_loglevel(d['loggers']['cas'], 'level')
d is now {'loggers': {'cas': {'level': logging.CRITICAL}}}
s = dict_[key]
except KeyError as ex:
if s == 'critical':
dict_[key] = logging.CRITICAL
elif s == 'error':
dict_[key] = logging.ERROR
elif s == 'warning':
dict_[key] = logging.WARNING
elif s == 'info':
dict_[key] = logging.INFO
elif s == 'debug':
dict_[key] = logging.DEBUG
elif s == 'all':
dict_[key] = logging.NOTSET

45 Executable file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Usage:
# First, enable the python environment you want to install to, or if installing
# system-wide then ensure you're logged in with sufficient permissions
# (admin or root to install to system directories)
# installation:
# $ ./ install
# de-installation:
# $ pip uninstall <app>
from setuptools import setup
__project__ = 'app_skellington'
__version__ = '0.1.0'
name = __project__,
version = __version__,
description = 'A high-powered 2-level CLI framework',
author = 'Mathew Guest',
author_email = '',
url = '',
# Third-party dependencies; will be automatically installed
install_requires = (
# Local packages to be installed (our packages)
packages = (

tests/ Normal file

tests/pytest.ini Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
filterwarnings =

tests/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
from app_skellington.cfg import Config
class TestConfig_e2e:
def test_allows_reading_with_no_spec(self):
x = Config()
assert True == False
def test_allows_reading_with_sample_spec(self):
x = Config()
assert True == False
def test_constructor_fails_with_invalid_spec(self):
x = Config()
assert True == False
def test_allows_options_beyond_spec(self):
x = Config()
assert True == False
def test_can_read_config_correctly_from_file(self):
def test_can_read_config_file_mutiple_times(self):
def test_can_override_config_file_manually(self):
def test_can_set_option_without_config(self):

tests/ Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
from app_skellington.cli import CommandTree
class TestCli_e2e:
def test_null_constructor_works(self):
x = CommandTree()
assert True == False

tests/ Normal file