
278 lines
10 KiB

# The cfg module provides Config, the app_skellington service for interfacing
# config.ini files, environment variables (*todo), and
# application-wide configuration. The underlying mechanism is built on top of
# ConfigObj module and it's recommended to use config.spec files to define
# your available configuration of the relevant application.
import configobj
import validate
from ._bootstrap import _bootstrap_logger
class Config:
Structure to store application runtime configuration. Also contains
functionality to load configuration from local site file.
Provide config.spec - specification file which defines allowed parameters and types.
Provide config.ini - configuration instance which contains values for any
configuration arguments.
"allow_options_beyond_spec": True,
def __init__(self, configspec_filepath=None, configini_filepath=None, capabilities=None):
self._config_obj = None # must be type configobj.ConfigObj()
self._configini_data = None
self._configini_filepath = None
self._configspec_data = None
self._configspec_filepath = None
self._has_accessed_internal_configobj = True
self._has_changed_internally = True
self._capability_enforce_strict_spec_validation = False
# Register the files and parse provided config.spec and config.ini
self.configspec_filepath = configspec_filepath
self.configini_filepath = configini_filepath
# NOTE(MG) Setters above trigger load_config()
def config_obj(self):
self._has_accessed_internal_configobj = True
return self._config_obj
# config_filepath:
def configini_filepath(self):
Config.ini filepath of site-specified configuration settings. File
stored on user machine. Reloads config when set.
return self._configini_filepath
def configini_filepath(self, value):
self._configini_filepath = value
self._has_changed_internally = True
# configspec_filepath:
def configspec_filepath(self):
Config.spec filepath of site-specified configuration settings. File
stored in module directory. Reloads config when set.
return self._configspec_filepath
def configspec_filepath(self, filepath):
if filepath is None:
_bootstrap_logger.debug("cfg - Clearing configspec")
self._configspec_filepath = None
self._configspec_data = None
self._has_changed_internally = True
with open(filepath) as fp:
data =
self._configspec_filepath = filepath
self._configspec_data = data
self._has_changed_internally = True
_bootstrap_logger.debug("cfg - Set configspec and read contents: %s", filepath)
except OSError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.critical("cfg - Failed to find config.spec: file not found (%s)", filepath)
raise OSError("Failed to read provided config.spec file")
# TODO(MG) initial code was present but unreachable. is an error in coding.
# self.load_config()
def __contains__(self, key):
has_item = key in self._config_obj
return has_item
except KeyError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error("failed to __containers__ on key (%s): %s", key, ex)
def __delitem__(self, key):
Deletes the configuration item identified by <key> in the internal
configuration storage.
del self[key]
except KeyError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error("failed to __delitem__ on key (%s): %s", key, ex)
def __getitem__(self, key):
Returns the value of the configuration item identified by <key>.
v = self._config_obj[key]
if isinstance(v, str):
return v
# return self._config_obj[key].dict()
return self._config_obj[key]
except KeyError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error("failed to __getitem__ on key (%s): %s", key, ex)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Assigns the value of the configuration item
identified by <key> as <value>.
self._config_obj[key] = value
def get(self, key, default=None):
Attempt to retrieve configuration item, otherwise return default
provided value.
Similar to Dictionary.get()
v = self.__getitem__(key)
return v
except KeyError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error("failed to retrieve config key (%s): %s", key, ex)
return default
def load_config(self, configspec_filepath=None, configini_filepath=None) -> bool:
Loads config from file, validating against configspec.
bool: success status of command and validation.
# Set new arguments if were passed in:
if configspec_filepath is not None:
self.configspec_filepath = configspec_filepath
if configini_filepath is not None:
self.configini_filepath = configini_filepath
# Load and validate configuration if possible:
if self.configspec_filepath:
rc = self._validate_config_against_spec()
if not rc:
if self._capability_enforce_strict_spec_validation:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to validate config.ini against spec.")
return False
return True
def _load_config_files(self):
config_spec = self.configspec_filepath
config_ini = self.configini_filepath
# interpolation='template' changes config file variable replacement to
# use the form $var instead of %(var)s, which is useful to enable
# literal %(text)s values in the config.
self._config_obj = configobj.ConfigObj(
# options
# encoding
# raise_errors
"cfg - Parsed configuration. config.spec = %s, config.ini = %s", config_spec, config_ini
return True
except configobj.ParseError as ex:
msg = "cfg - Failed to load config: error in config.spec configuration: {}".format(config_filepath)
return False
except OSError as ex:
msg = "cfg - Failed to load config: config.spec file not found."
return False
except Exception as ex:
def _validate_config_against_spec(self):
config_spec = self.configspec_filepath
config_ini = self.configini_filepath
# Hack the configobj module to alter the interpolation for
configobj.DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION = "template"
# Validate config.ini against config.spec
try:"cfg - Validating config file against spec")
val = validate.Validator()
assert isinstance(
self._config_obj, configobj.ConfigObj
), "expecting configobj.ConfigObj, received %s" % type(self._config_obj)
# NOTE(MG) copy arg below instructs configobj to use defaults from spec file
test_results = self._config_obj.validate(val, copy=True, preserve_errors=True)
if test_results is True:
"cfg- Successfully validated configuration against spec. input = %s, validation spec = %s",
return True
elif test_results is False:
_bootstrap_logger.debug("cfg - Potentially discovered invalid config.spec")
return False
except ValueError as ex:
_bootstrap_logger.error("cfg - Failed while validating config against spec. ")
return False
def _validate_parse_errors(self, test_results):
_bootstrap_logger.critical("cfg - Config file failed validation.")
for section_list, key, rslt in configobj.flatten_errors(self._config_obj, test_results):
_bootstrap_logger.critical("cfg - Config error info: %s %s %s", section_list, key, rslt)
if key is not None:
"cfg - Config failed validation: [%s].%s appears invalid. msg = %s",
"cfg - Config failed validation: missing section, name = '%s'. msg = %s",
def print_config(self):
Print configuration to stdout.
for section in self._config_obj.sections:
for key in self._config_obj[section]:
print(" ", self._config_obj[section][key])
class EnvironmentVariables:
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError